an individual—An turning point.
Is the suspected- investigation of the Cancer. Now
already has been confirmed into the confirmed medical report.
It is when a disease—sets its roots,spreads its
branches---symptoms are there—but we just give solace to ourselves—out of our
own weakness of protecting our wasted interest mere for a year—for two years—or
at the most ,for a term (of five years )in this political scenario—of ups and
No,it can’t---is it,it—just it is this—no,it is in the
genes of mother or may be in father’s genes---a genetic history--??
Social structure,loosning it’s grips on the chains of
Education system---collapsing—though we are forgetting—what
is education—is it—demanding freedom sitting on the top of slogans—without realising—freedom
has its price too??
Jobs are not being created—who will--??
We are, in
habit of relishing upon the tabled dinner,for decades---.
We are hard-habitual of throwing stones of accusation
on the row –in the opposite row—for decades---.No matter—we are there?
Now—when the ugliest and most disfigured state of the epidemic—the
cancer in thousands—is there on the details of the clinical report page—no need
of open eyes,open ears—it is in the very air we breathe in and survive on---and
the ailment is lying on the operation table—doctors are there with gloved hands
,holding their intelligence and for-sightedness--.
What is the Moral Ethics of Medical Science??
Should it be left—with a mere cut—hoping -will cure
itself—or die-- with time?
Should it be—covered with a heaps of gauge—so that it
is not visible—not able to break our nerves ---??
Should it be cut out in total—hard handedly—but with
care and affection—because we are dealing with the diseased part of the body
not the whole of the body.
The body is the valuable unit of the country—that is our Nation—a pride to be lived—to be
Jai Bharat—proud of being an Indian.