Tuesday 13 January 2015

My Gods Are---With Me

Millions  of  Gods,

If One—has the Vision---wow!!!

Tired---with aching steps

Scaling the-----Hieghts

Of  sufferings---and

Slopes of---falling Hopes

And—a Hand with

Warmth holds---

Who is He?

One of my—

Millions of Gods

Still drowned---

Into the---

Tattered  dreams

Sun is there


Who uncovers---

The curtains

A Hand—of Cares

Sliding down the Darkness

Of my----

Shining Sun

Other Hand---holding

The Cup of Hopes

Of my---

Tomorrows’ morning

Who is She?

One of My Millions of Gods

                                                      Just found---

                                                      Few of Them

                                                      Still to be found---

                                                      Thousands of Them.

My Gods are---

With me---
                                   Man ke-Manke


  1. completely agree...सच, महसूस करो तो आसपास ही है खुदा।

  2. महसूस करने की बात है ... भगवान् दिल में भी होता है ...

  3. one can feel divinity in every creature created by God...

  4. Sometimes agnosticism attracted me...i have a bit problem with god.

  5. Dear Abhishek,
    spriulity is when all boundries fall and nothing is known-unknown---only when one could see oneself in oneness.
    so for me when I see myself in the mirror I feel Him also---could be defined as God or else--doesnt matter.
    I congratulate ur feels of existence---be--so--it will help u to live lively.

  6. Millions of Gods,

    If One—has the Vision---wow!!!

    ...... Beautifully written completely agree with you

  7. संजय जी,
    नमस्कार,सादर धन्यवाद.
